Nov 21, 2018
We like debunking preconceived ideas about solo travel here on Solo Travel Talk, and your solo travel advisor Astrid Clements is just the person to do it. Are there cities that are truly better for solo travel than others? Is solo travel better if you are a certain age? Everyone should try solo travel? These are common ideas that surround discussions of solo travel, and Astrid has a take on all these ideas (and more!) True? False? Somewhere in the middle? Let’s find out from Astrid as we play a game we’re calling True False Solo Travel.
We love sharing the most innovative and informative content to get you out there solo. Astrid, your expert Solo Travel Advisor-- has an amazing packing list available for download. Get it at her website, Follow Astrid on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, or with your favorite podcast app. Just go solo!